The Sifting Pan

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Mesita - Together + Heard You're Happy

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Mesita – [Together] + [Heard You’re Happy]

Mesita - Together + Heard You're Happy

Master experimental musician Mesita is based out of Colorado

Mesita – Together:

James Cooley, the one man army behind Mesita, has arisen from the ashes to brandish his latest album The Phoenix, which after countless delays has finally been unleashed upon the world. If you have neglected listening to this sixth and latest album you are truly doing yourself a great disservice. You’ve been missing out on the frustrations and raw passion of a man that is capable of evoking feelings of tranquility at the same table he serves up spite for those who have wronged him in the past. The whole thing is streaming in full on YouTube so there are absolutely zero excuses for not giving The Phoenix a chance.

One of my favorite picks from the new album has to be the the upbeat yet apathetic track Together. I don’t believe there is a single thing about this song I’d have changed. It’s always so hard to hone in on one specific aspect of a Mesita track that stands out, and that’s because usually it is the carefully calculated combination of sounds that breath life into his mixes. Together is no different in that this confection is best served with all its many pieces in tack. If I had to choose a highlight it would be the warm feeling in my tummy every time I hear those guitar noodles about a minute and eighteen seconds in.

Mesita wastes no time putting the people who have crossed in him in their rightful place, and he chooses to do so in manner that refuses to sacrifice aesthetics. Heard Your’re Happy is the very first track off of The Phoenix and is extremely gutsy, beyond gritty, and, at times, even galvanizing. Coming in at just under 7 minutes of play time, this epic tale oscillates between blissful piano induced nirvana and gut-wrenching guitar  distortion. It’s as if God and the Devil himself were caught up in a raging arm wrestling match of divine scale and Mestia just happened to be there to soundtrack it all. And for that I thank him.

Mesita – Heard You’re Happy:

If you are interested in learning any more at all about Mestia, and what kind of influences went into the making of The Phoenix, you can check out the interview I did with him back in July of 2014.

Twitter Handle: @mesitamusic
Facebook Page:
Spotify:  Mesita


Purity Ring - begin again

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Purity Ring – [begin again] + [push pull]

Purity Ring - begin again

The Canadian experimental electronic oddity known as Purity Ring has returned

Purity Ring – [begin again]:

The off beat magnetism of Purity Ring is presenting itself in full force on their latest release begin again. It’s as if a dark charm has begotten further adoration for Megan James and Corin Roddick and their crafty electronic nature. The new song does a tremendous job of striking a balance in the clash between their typical bizarre self and a new found sound that wouldn’t be too out of place at the local club. Personally, I find their mix of piano with a dance floor banger to be simply fun, but it has to be Megan James haunting vocals that keep me coming back to this addictive track again and again.

push pull is Purity Ring’s first release in two years and I would say is a quintessential example of the odd, but enchanting, sound the band is widely known for. The backdrop of electronic noises on this one aren’t so much a part of the background as they manage to pierce their way to forefront. That’s not to say Megan’s vocals are downplayed at all, because she, again, is a major pull in the listenability of this song. I just happen to prefer the new and exciting focus the band is taking over the old, but reliable, smorgasbord.

Purity Ring – [push and pull]:

Purity Ring have also announced the release date and title of their second album. Here is the ten track listing of Another Eternity which should be released on 3/3/15:

push pull
stranger than earth
begin again
dust hymn
flood on the floor
sea castle
stillness in woe

Twitter Handle: @PURITY_RING
Facebook Page:
Spotify: Purity Ring

Kimbra - The Golden Echo

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Best Albums of 2014 #5.) Kimbra – The Golden Echo

Kimbra - The Golden Echo

released in August 2014 via Warner Bros. Records

The Golden Echo is both majestic and enamoring in the way it leaves behind an insatiable thirst for more. New Zealand’s very own Kimbra has truly outdone herself on her latest release with the ability to keep her unique brand of experimental pop so palatable. She’s miles ahead of her fellow intellectual alt-poptress and the proof is in the incredible range of genre warping going on here. The debate about the coming mono-genre rages on, and all the while Kimbra has created a saturated cocktail that combines more genres then I actually knew existed.

Here is where things start to get a little strange. As it turns out, The Golden Echo is an experimental concoction that goes down smoother than I could have ever possibly expected. I never knew I could fall for an album that had so much going on in areas music that I simply have no foundation. I can understand how at first everything it may seem too overwhelming to handle, but like a good movie, as you watch it time and time again, you begin to pick up on the clever artistic choices made that add to the overall appeal. Clocking in at over an hour, with its shortest track being closer to 4 minutes, The Golden Echo is very much like watching a cinematic experience, and I strongly recommend setting aside the time to give it shot.

Kimbra has created more than a few engrossing songs that I will surly keep on sharing and playing for decades to come.

Favorite Tracks:
90s Music
Love In High Places
Nobody But You

Twitter Handle: @kimbramusic
Facebook Page:
Spotify:  Kimbra

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Josef Salvat – [Open Season] + [Shoot and Run]

Josef Salvat - Open Season + Shoot and Run

Josef Salvat is an Australian artist based out of London

Josef Salvat – Open Season:

Josef Salvat has proven himself more than capable of producing alternative pop music that is tremendously expansive in scope. Last year, he stunned the world with his haunting and wholesome song This Life. Now on his latest single, Open Season, Mr. Salvat seeks to push his creative boundaries to the very brink. This time by the provocation of heart swells and an overwhelming sense of invigoration. Yanking those heartstrings of yours into a steady rhythmic dance of self empowerment.

In fact, Josef Salvat’s entire new In Your Prime – EP echos this sensory entrancement. I’d say you’re quite likely to find yourself captured by the serenity and elation of it all. That’s because there is never a dull moment to be found on this four track slice of delectable experimental pop pie. Just be careful not to drown as you become awash in the overwhelming sultriness of Shoot and Run.

Josef Salvat – Shoot and Run:

Twitter Handle: @josefsalvat
Facebook Page:
Spotify: Josef Salvat

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INTERVIEW: Mesita – [The Villain] + [Astoria/Fallen]

Mesita - The Villain + Astoria/Fallen

Mesita, a.k.a James Cooley, in the flesh (photo credit: Samantha Hylla)

Mesita – The Villain:

So waaaaay back in July I had the pleasure of being able to ask Colorado based experimental indie rocker James Cooley a few questions about his outstanding song The Villain, and his upcoming album Infinity Sky Deluxe. It should be known that James prefers to release his music under the moniker of Mesita, and has been doing so since making his debut in 2008.

Now we are more than half a decade later, approaching album number five, and there appear to be no signs of easing up on the output of high quality tunes for Mr. Cooley. It seems Mesita is preparing to unload a massive weight of creativity unto us, which is clearly evident by a heavy hitter like The Villian. It’s a burden I shall graciously accept while blasting this gritty, gutsy, brooding rock single over and over on repeat. You’d be wise to follow suit and indulge in the oh-so satisfying Meista madness.

Without further ado, here are the intelligent and wonderful responses that Mesita was happy to provide for The Sifting Pan:

  1. Can you share with us some of the many inspirations behind creating your single The Villain?

It’s about a few different things. Trying to get out and meet new people, break into the young professional crowd, finding myself slipping into some negative stuff, overcompensating for my flaws, losing parts of who I am in order to please strangers who shouldn’t give a damn about me. To make people jealous sharing some artificial view of what great life I have, all for that warm satisfaction of feeling more important than I really am. False humility. Trying to grow, sometimes your equilibrium gets messed and you lose a few steps in the process, find yourself acting in a way you always fought against. Turning bitter, you gotta get your center of gravity back, be there for people who have been there for you because we’re all struggling.

  1. Is there a special mindset you have going into the writing of your upcoming fifth album ‘Infinity Sky Deluxe’?

I started working on new stuff right after the last album in late October, to go full force into making a minimal electro soul album, strip the whole thing down and just have sparse reverb snaps and warm synth and like a single falsetto vocal track in the center. But getting through Chicago’s coldest winter, I had to sit back and really think about the right direction to go, why I’m making music in the first place. So a lot of soul-searching and resting up mentally. Music’s been my outlet, and loud beats and guitars are what I’ve always loved, so do what you love.

  1. Finally, can you recommend a fresh indie gem that you were quite pleased to have come across recently?

I haven’t been listening too much lately, but that new Black Keys album floored me. I wasn’t expecting it to some reason, but it hit so hard. Dangermouse nailed it. And Hamilton Leithauser’s solo album is fantastic. Just saw A Sunny Day In Glasgow has a new one, so I gotta check that one out too. Ashes Grammar was the jam.

 — — — — — — — — —

Mesita released his latest track, Astoria/Fallen, early last month. Truly a hint of the many great things in store for our ears, and hearts, on the new album. I must say this tune is brimming with that fulfilling Mesita sound we all know and love. Varying levels of real emotion spread out over nearly six minutes that culminate into pure tranquility. Give it a good listen and you shall reach a state of peace with your inner demons. Who needs medication or meditation when you have Mesita?

Mesita – Astoria/Fallen: [REMOVED]

All of Mesita’s current music is available at

Twitter Handle: @mesitamusic
Facebook Page:
Spotify: Mesita

 And thanks again Mesita for taking the time to share with The Sifting Pan!